MEGA S.I.D.E WAIST PACK / BUM BAG. BLUE/BLACK. - A very popular choice in bum-bags.
- This is a replica of the very well known FOX bum bag, but at the right price.
- Made from heavy duty nylon with good strong zips.
- The waist band is box sewn and crossed to make sure when it is full of tools, it does not come apart.
- When unzipped, the bag folds open to reveal all your tools in the correct places, tucked into the elasticated pockets, 14 in all.
- Also inside there is a small zip wallet type pocket, and a small clear fronted pocket with 4 additional segments. To make the bag comfortable to wear, the two halves have thick padding to cushion the tools.
- On the front there is a large full size pocket big enough to hold a tube, or maybe your lunch! For extra water proofing and security, there is a flap which folds over the whol 92-271BK" open to reveal all your tools in the correct places, tucked into the elasticated pockets, 14 in all. Also inside there is a small zip wallet type pocket, and a small clear fronted pocket with 4 additional segments. Available in Blue, Black or Red. TOOLS NOT WITH BAGS. Part No. 92-271.BE ()